Midwest Staffing Conference Owner/Manager Symposium - May 25th
Owners and Managers, this power session is exclusively for you!
Add the symposium to your agenda for Day 1 of the Midwest Staffing Conference. Separate registration; additional cost. Continental breakfast and lunch are included.
Registration for Owner/Manager Symposium Add-On: $119
Registration for Owner/Manager Symposium Only (not attending the Midwest Conference): $295
Agenda - Wednesday May 25th
8:00AM - Registration opens to Owners/Managers Only
Continental Breakfast
8:30AM - 10:15AM
Management Session 1 - The Hardest Job to Fill EVER
Presented by Danny Cahill, Hobson Associates
Session Description
We crush making placements. We suck at hiring our own staff. We look in the wrong places, sell them on the wrong things, and pay them like it’s 1996 and you found them in an AOL chatroom.
I can help you restructure where and how to find your top producers of tomorrow, but we have to start with this simple proposition: Do you believe your company is a phenomenal career move for a talented individual making good money who has tons of other options? If the answer isn’t a passionate YES…well, we need to talk.
10:30AM - 12:00PM
Management Session 2 - You Can’t Clone Yourself – Who, How, and Why You Need to Grow a Team
Presented by Greg Doersching, Next Level Exchange
Session Description
The recruiting market has never been hotter than it is right now. The demand for our services and the candidates only we can access has never been greater. Yet the time involved to find candidates has doubled compared to recent years. The number of turned-down offers, accepted counteroffers, and candidate ghosting is multiplying by the day. We do not have enough time in our day to do this job single-handedly. We invite you to join Greg Doersching as he talks you through the idea of effectively and profitably growing a team. This one-hour session will give you the following info:
- The three roles in recruiting that have become essential for growth in our industry.
- Ways to find and hire the people we need cost-effectively.
- Why now is the time to grow a team to maximize the market conditions.
This is an information-packed hour you don’t want to miss.
Box lunch served 12-12:45PM for Owner/Manager attendees
President's Welcome at 1PM in Main Ballroom