Midwest Staffing Owners and Executives Retreat
September 22-23, 2022
The Drake Oak Brook, Autograph Collection - Oak Brook, IL
Your Hosts for the 2022 Owners and Executives Retreat:
Illinois Search and Staffing Association (ISSA)
Michigan Association of Staffing Services (MASS)
Wisconsin Association of Staffing Services (WASS)

Attendance at this event earns 9.75 CE hours toward ASA and NAPS certification


Tom Kosnik
President, Visus Group LLC
Session: Staffing Industry 2022: Where We Are, Where We're Headed, and What You Should Do To Thrive

Jason Turner
Chief Operating Officer and Head of Multi-Asset Strategy
Great Lakes Advisors
Session: Economic Outlook: Recession Looming?

William Tarnow II
Chair of Labor & Employment Practice Group
Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
Session: Legal Update: Issues Impacting Illinois Staffing Firms

Jeff Pelliccio
Founder, Allied Insight
Session: Building a Bulletproof Brand-Centric Competitive Advantage

Mary Ann McLaughlin
Managing Partner, Butler Street Consulting
Session: Today's Action Needed to Create an Effective, Engaged and Empowered Team

Rachel Sederberg, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Labor Economist/Research Manager
Lightcast (formerly Emsi Burning Glass)
Session: Demographic Drought: Bridging the Gap in Our Labor Force

Anthony Pellegrino
Principal and Owner
Goldstone Financial Group
Session: Asset Management

Lauren Jones
Founder, Leap Consulting Solutions
Session: Turn Technology Tragedy Into Triumph! Digital Transformation
Done Right

Chip Lutz, Lt. Commander, USN(Ret), MDiv, MS, CSP
President and Founder, Unconventional Leader, LLC
Session: 9/11 and Beyond: What I Learned Leading During Trying Times

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